articulating goals

20 Jan

It is a new year, and this is a new blog.  It might be trite, but I think it apropos that I lay out some of my goals for this new season.

1.  Increase the fitness. I thought I would get the most obvious, most obnoxious, most oft referenced and then ignored of all resolutions out of the way.  I just got Wii Fit Plus.  Although I feel utterly pathetic needing something so “wired in” to get me motivated and moving, it is totally doing the job.  I also love that it let’s me track my progress, build my own yoga/strength training routines, and weigh my baby (seriously love this).

2.  Make a granny square blanket. Or two.  In aught nine, I taught myself to crochet, along with every other blogger on my Google Reader, and along with all those bloggers I fell head over heals for those lovely, simple little squares.  I have already fully committed myself to a blanket for a set of dear friends, but I would also really like to make one for my little family.   Honestly, maybe I’m overconfident, but I find this goal almost laughably manageable.   I think the only hurdle will be the warm season.

Granny star garland made in ’09. Who knows what projects await us in The Dime?

3.  Learn to knit. Okay, so before crochet I tried to teach myself to knit.  It. was. hard.  I abandoned my studies for Sister Crochet, and I’m a little ashamed.  Make no mistake, I really enjoy crochet and how easy it comes to me, but there are (A LOT of) times when I truly prefer the look of knits and purls.  This year I resolve to try again.  Perhaps, with sites like I shall finally prevail!

4.  Buy more locally. Especially food.  This, I admit, is far easier for me to swallow since we now live somewhere with a year round farmer’s market.  Mayhaps those of you in the Western-most and Southern states where unawares, but it is not that common in these parts to keep them open year round.  I’m happy to live in a city that takes exception to this.

5.  Organize. I don’t know if this is a goal or an idea.  I just want everything to be tidier.  My home, my car, my mind, my home, my life, my home.  Tidy may become my word of the year.  It’s how I explain how I want almost everything to look.

6.  Make more.  Buy less. I still remember when Ronald McDonald came to my elementary school and taught as all about the three R’s: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.  I can’t say that I’ve ever had much love for the mop top, but he wasn’t spouting nonsense that day.  So more reclaimed materials, more secondhand shops, more crafting, more DIY.  This is probably going to be the most fun of all my goals to put into practice.

I also have several other personal goals that are not meant for the all-seeing eyes of the internets, but if they come to fruition as I hope you can bet your bottoms and their dollars that I will share.

2 Responses to “articulating goals”

  1. janel 01.21.2010 at 5:57 PM #

    I am in love with that star garland!!! Do you have a good tutorial that you used for those because I need to learn!!

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